Dr Dunbar's iWoofs Podcasts


4.06 Protecting My Boy

Hubie got a German Shepherd puppy for his son, who is currently living with his mother.  The mother and boy are scared of the dog and Hubie is at a loss for how to ensure that the dog is gentle with people, so that his son enjoys the dog rather than fears it.   The answer is not physical domination, which is really only an option for the father.  Fortnuately, everyone in the family can proactively train the dog to inhibit the force of its’ mouth.  They can also use lure reward training that can let them assert control over the dog whenever they need it.  What this dog needs most is bite-inh

iWoofs Seas:  Season 4

4.05 Training an Intact Newfie

This highly devoted owner has a huge Newfoundland that they’ve been working hard to train all through puppyhood.  Now that adolescence has hit though, the owners are having new problems with controlling their dog’s attention and aggression.  As an un-neutered male dog he is the target of additional hostile attention from other dogs.  With such a powerful dog it’s incredibly important to get things under control as quickly as possible.  Fortunately Kelly & Jamie have some easy tips for dealing with the difficulties of adolescence, testicles included.  A rock-solid sit, with eye-contact on cue, will mean your dog is always under control, and unlikely to provoke an aggressive response.  Add in plenty of classical conditioning and your dog can be calm and collected in any situation.

Super-Sit: http://dogstardaily.com/training/ultra-super-sit

iWoofs Seas:  Season 4
Embedded thumbnail for 08 Zuckerberg Dog Decision

08 Zuckerberg Dog Decision

Kelly & Jamie discuss Mark Zuckerberg’s new dog, and the small kerfuffle  that arose when he used the term “adopt” to describe his acquisition of the dog from a breeder.  Some people out there apparently think the term “adopt” should  be reserved only for dogs brought home from shelters or rescue organizations.


4.04 The Bite Scale and How to Evaluate Aggression

Our perception of dog aggression is easily distorted by fear. That’s why it’s important to evaluate "dog bites" by an objective measure. The Bite Scale provides a consistent way of looking at a dog’s history of aggression by measuring the amount of injury that was inflicted. 95% of “dog bites" result in minimal harm and are not caused by dangerous animals.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 4

4.03 John Rogerson & The Mongrel Dog

In this episode the Dunbars respond to and discuss a video by John Rogerson about the declining numbers and quality of mongrel dogs in the UK. You can see it yourself at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s850_3s0C8. Mongrels used to represent the naturally evolved pet dogs of a village, and so they were particularly fit for that community. Today, the demand for pure-bred dogs has distorted the gene pool of our dogs because many are being bred with little regard for their health or temperament.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 4

4.02 Open Paw & The Not Quite Good Enough Dog

Many dogs end up in shelters because of relatively minor behavior problems.  Unfortunately, most dogs then become less adoptable the longer they spend in a shelter, because whatever housetraining or socialization they do have begins to deteriorate.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  In this episode the Dunbars talk about Kelly "Pet" project, Open Paw, and its vision of making every shelter a dog training and education center.  It actually takes less time and energy to care for dogs using the Open Paw system, and it makes the dogs much more likely to be adopted by a loving family.  Additi

iWoofs Seas:  Season 4

4.01 Give a Puppy a First Chance

The easiest way to save shelter dogs is to prevent them from being created in the first place. Every shelter dog began life as an impressionable little puppy and in this episode the Dunbars discuss the importance of starting that puppy on the right paw. As dog trainers, it’s our responsibility to make sure that new owners know how to raise a puppy. As dog owners, it’s our responsibility to do our homework, and be sure that our dog comes from a reputable breeder or shelter that is actively educating their dogs with socialization and obedience training.

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07 Settling the Springer

How do you get an 8 month old Springer to settle down when the family IS around the house?  The Dunbars address one of the biggest problems in the doggy world: out of control barking.  The solution may seem counter-intuitive, but the most effective way to get barking under control is to train your dog to bark on cue.  And of course, a stuffed chewtoy in her crate will give her something to keep her quietly occupied.

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06 Leash Chewing & Car Chasing

In this episode the Dunbars answer a couple of questions submitted by SIRIUS® Puppy Training students.  How to stop a dog from chewing their leash when it’s attached to their collar?  How to stop a herding dog from chasing dogs on a walk?  Basically, walking is a deceptively difficult exercise, and it’s well worth taking the time to practice being outside without trying to go anywhere.



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