4.06 Protecting My Boy

Hubie got a German Shepherd puppy for his son, who is currently living with his mother.  The mother and boy are scared of the dog and Hubie is at a loss for how to ensure that the dog is gentle with people, so that his son enjoys the dog rather than fears it.   The answer is not physical domination, which is really only an option for the father.  Fortnuately, everyone in the family can proactively train the dog to inhibit the force of its’ mouth.  They can also use lure reward training that can let them assert control over the dog whenever they need it.  What this dog needs most is bite-inhibition and at least one reliable position command.

Bite Inhibition: http://dogstardaily.com/training/teaching-bite-inhibition

Super-Sit: http://dogstardaily.com/training/ultra-super-sit

iWoofs Seas:  Season 4
The Free Course Collection for Dog Owners, Trainers, Breeders, Veterinarians, Shelters/Rescues and Pet Stores