(Part 2) Rikke Brogaard - Kids and Dogs

Learn More at RikkeBDogTraining.com

Rikke introduces us to Vinny, and begins teaching him some of the basic obedience commands that are so important for a big dog.  Then she consults Shelly & Deb about their dog Tag and their son Felix.   Tag missed out on some early socialization, and was feeling uncomfortable around Felix.  With the help of some basic obedience training, management and supervision in combination with positive and controlled experiences, Tag is learning to enjoy Felix’s company and behave appropriately in his presence. Nevertheless, being smart about how you manage your family's living space will always make life easier, as will a couple of food-stuffed chewtoys.

TV Programs:  America's Dog Trainer

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The Dunbar Academy Top Dog Academy – 4 books, 13 videos, 9 seminars and workshops