Working Like A Dog (That's a good thing when you love what you do!)

My birthday has come and gone (Jan 29th). I am now a year older and looking at the big 65. How time flies when you’re having fun.

The year in front of me will be the busiest of my career with fully booked clinics, scientific projects up the wazoo, student teaching, and several talks and behavioral seminars around the country. So far this year our gene finding has been published in Nature’s Molecular Psychiatry (Jan 2010), our new pharmacological treatment for human OCD (with the human Alzheimer’s drug memantine) has been published in Clinical Psychopharmacology (Feb 2010), my ex-postdoc Dr Kati Wrubel and I have had a paper on assessment of “interdog household aggression” accepted for publication I the AVMA journal (Feb 2010), my co-faculty member Dr Alice Moon-Fanelli and I have had a paper accepted for publication in that same journal (Feb 2010) and my resident Dr Ogata and I are submitting a paper to the journal Veterinary Behavior on a new (and super) pharmacological treatment for fearful behaviors, including fear aggression. All this and the year has barely started.

As I write this blog, I am gearing up for the “Well Adjusted Dog” seminar series which kicks off in Pasadena, CA next month. The early bird special rate for that seminar ends this Sunday, so anyone in that region who is planning to attend better sign up soon to get the discounted rate (see ThePetDocs.Com under “Events”).

In April I will be delivering the seminar at Narnia Pet Behavior and Training Center just outside of Chicago and in June I will be at Purr’n Pooch in New Jersey. And that’s not even the half of it.

From Dogs 101 to a brand new TV venture that I cannot share details with you about for a month or two, it’s all go. My big daughter (Vicky) is getting married in the Dominical Republic in about 2 weeks so we’re all trekking off there and younger daughter is preparing for junior college year at University College in London (my old home town). For those of you who know about my dog Rusty, I am ashamed to admit he got thrown out of daycare for urinating on 2 other dogs. It’s his way of saying hi but apparently his greeting is not welcome there. My dog, a daycare dropout. What chagrin. Oh well, I had better get on with some of that work now … it’s time to make the donuts. It sure is a busy life!

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