Steve Dale's Pet World on the Radio on Saturday - Aug. 15

TNR of stray/ferals on the radio today

So, what do you do when you find a stray or feral kitten? Or an entire colony of feral cats? Dave DeFuniak, executive director of Tree House Humane Society and Meg Martino of the Chicago Stray Cat Coalition discusses TNR on Steve Dale's Pet World, Saturday at 2 p.m. cst on or WLS 890 AM on the radio. Some say TNR only perpetuates problems, I strongly disagree - I believe TNR does work, and in the long run is best for stray and feral cats as well as songbirds. This broadcast radio...I also host On Demand radio at WLS...


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Guests have included Ian and Kelly Dunbar, who you who from DSD; Animal Planet dog trainers Andrea Arden and Jamie Damato; Dr. Sophia Yin about handling your pets in stressful situations like vet visits. Behaviorist Temple Grandin talks about her book, "Animals Make us Human," Stanley Coren says we've evolved with dogs and cat behavior consultant Pam Johnson Bennett thinks like a cat -and many many many more guests....


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