In Service Of Dogs


This is a reprint of our Special Inaugural Edition of our weekly newsletter Puppy Bite. Several people have asked to link to it in order to share this call to action with others, so I decided to post it as blog so it will always have a home on the Dog Star Daily site. Though please keep in mind, the post and it's sentiment will remain relevant, however, the offer for the free download of Dr. Dunbar's book is for a limited time only.

If you receive Puppy Bite, this is an exact copy of it, minus a few links. If you don't receive Puppy Bite and would like to, please register on this page.

Leslie Smith was my co-author for this piece.

Kelly Gorman Dunbar
Executive Editor, Dog Star Daily

Ask not what dogs can do for you, but what you can do for dogs! 

Welcome to a special inaugural edition of the Dog Star Daily Puppy Bite. The induction of a new president - and the launch of a new chapter in our country's history - couldn't be more timely. As today Barack Obama calls for a renewed commitment to our communities and to social service, we at DSD are promoting Shelter Dog Prevention Month.

Not only is January prime puppy litter season, many people gave and received pups as holiday gifts. Unfortunately though, these adorable bundles of fur arrived with many instinctive behaviors we humans find undesirable. They nip at our hands, tug on our clothing, chew on our shoes, eliminate frequently and indiscriminately, and run their muddy little paws all over our clean carpet. Not surprisingly, nearly half of these puppies will end up in shelters before their second birthday.

And so our goal this month is to inspire you to do all you can to help combat a problem that affects dogs all over the country: our nation's shelters are swamped with unwanted animals.

With early socialization and manners training, however, we can prevent innate canine conduct from becoming major behavioral issues. We can kindly and respectfully teach our pups to fit into human society by setting clear and reasonable expectations. And we can help dogs currently in shelters reach their personal best by teaching them the skills they need to get adopted - and remain permanently in their new homes.

Not sure where you fit in? A few ideas:

· Volunteer to walk, train, or socialize dogs at your local shelter.
· Help clean up waste from dog parks and hiking trails.
· Banish breedism! Don't judge a dog by its breed alone.
· Assist local shelters with fostering and training.

Most importantly, start at home by enhancing your relationship with your own dog. Teach him to be a well-mannered member of the family and a model canine citizen. And yes, we realize that's easier said than done, as puppies don't come with instruction manual. Until now...

Dr. Dunbar is heeding this call to service by making his puppy instruction manual available for free for the month of January. Use it and other Dog Star Daily products to troubleshoot behavioral issues with your own dog or as a guide for working with shelter animals in your area. To obtain your free copy, click here.

Happy Inauguration Day!

 "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"
Mahatma Gandhi

The Dunbar Academy Top Dog Academy – 4 books, 13 videos, 9 seminars and workshops