Karen Wild

Karen Wild BA (Hons) Dip App Psy, is a full-time U.K. dog trainer and behaviour consultant with over 20 years in the field. She has a degree and diploma in Psychology from the University of Nottingham,

Karen is a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) and is a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC). She is a registered Animal Training Instructor (ATI) and Clinical Animal Behaviourist with the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC).

Karen has authored five books on dog and cat behaviour. The most recent is 'Being a Dog' (Hamlyn publishing), but also What your Dog Wants, 21 Days to the Perfect Dog, and co-authored The Pawfect Guide to Thinking Like a Dog and The Purrfect Guide to Thinking Like a Cat with well-known Vet Emma Milne.

Karen is a regular speaker including the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors annual conference and the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) Congress as well as regional British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) events.

Karen's work focuses on training and rehabilitation of dogs - and their owners! She has specialised in behaviour and puppy work for the last few years, but her dog career has ranged from class teaching, obedience, flyball, agility and working trials competition to running a popular dog display team. When she started her own family Karen realised there was a genuine need for one-to-one help with dogs in the family environment. Her passion is to create and rebuild the 'enjoyment factor' that can come from family dog ownership.

Karen strongly believes that there is 'always a way' and prides herself on her commitment to uniting families with their dogs.

Karen has a number of famous clients including politicians, film directors, journalists, models and television personalities and is noted for her down-to-earth friendly approach. She is a regular contributor to Dogs Today Magazine.

Karen's friendly, fair and family-focused approach to dog training can be accessed via her site www.pawprintpets.com or why not email Karen on [email protected] ?

Blog posts by Karen Wild

dog ninja turtle karen wild blog

Staying Power - the Hidden Art of the Dog Trainer

For those of you who don’t already know, in my other life I am a Karate instructor. I spend evenings teaching martial arts to a dedicated class of students who achieve amazing things both mentally and physically. Learning martial arts is partly a mechanical skill; you have to ‘do it to learn it’, rather like dog training.

Often, my private dog training clients inform me that they have tried dog training classes without success. The measure of this ‘success’ is highly personal to them, of course. They tell me their dog found the whole experience overwhelming. Some clients were asked to leave as a result of their beloved pet’s disruptive behaviour. Some struggled with a class taught using food-oriented motivation, which their dog did not find especially enticing given the other distractions on offer.

Was this entirely the class instructor’s responsibility, however?

Healthy dogs need regular checks - just like cars

Why ‘whisper’ about it? The not-so mystical art of Dog Maintenance



I have a dream program I would like to hear people raving about. It is called the ‘Car Whisperer’ (subtitled ‘Superwrench’).


Set the scene – we view musically-sharpened highlights of ruined shopping trips, disastrous holiday journeys. We see much rolling of eyes and self-conscious grinning from drivers as they attempt to explain why it is that their car plays up so much. In the intro sequence, they lovingly polish the car hood and offer ‘We just can not take this car anywhere. It’s become the bane of our lives – but - it’s a big part of our family’. They complain that their car ‘just passes without warning’. In one memorable sequence, a car simply sits at a red light and refuses to budge, indicators flashing akimbo. In another, the car jolts forward into the path of an oncoming car whilst both cars honk uncontrollably at one another.


Karen wild dog trainer

'Special Dog' Blog - The Coco Academy

I’m in a classroom with 5 teenagers, one other adult and a faintly bemused Chocolate Labrador. Each of us (apart from the dog of course) has a highly scented, wine-coloured plastic bag over one hand. Giggles ensue as we attempt to collect an object from the table using the bag-covered hand with minimum effort, maximum dexterity. The bag is then turned inside out, without dropping the contents, and is tied at the top with equal concentration. Welcome to ‘The Coco Academy’.



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