I Love My Job!

It was 10.30am on a recent Monday morning. My plane climbed steeply out of Chicago Midway airport heading for Boston into clear, pale blue skies. Still low, we passed Chicago on the left of the plane and I had a long look at the towering sky scrapers of windy city sitting proudly of the shores of massive Lake Michigan. The almost Caribbean blue waters of the lake stretched to a horizon describing the Earth’s curvature. It was a magnificent and memorable sight.

As I bid fare well to Chicago, I pondered my few days there. I had arrived on the Friday to cloudy skies and light rain. Kathie Hayes of Narnia Pet Training and Behavior center kindly met me at the airport and drove me to my hotel where I recouped from my sojourn and prepared for a 2-day canine behavior seminar at Narnia. The weekend’s seminars went off smoothly to a discrete but knowledgeable audience of some 60 people. The attendees, mostly APDT trainers, some dog owners, one resident vet and a several vet techs, all enjoyed the sessions and said they got a lot out of them. The written evaluations were highly affirmative and one person even e-mailed PetDocs headquarters to say that it was the best seminar she had ever attended. That made me feel really good – positive reinforcement never goes astray.

I must say that the folk at Narnia were outstanding to work with. Not only did they host me royally but they were efficient, hard-working and enthusiastic. My hat’s off to co-owners Kathy Hayes and Sarah Swan and their wonderful staff. With Narnia in my wake, I am now heading back to Boston to attend to seeing appointments. I have a full schedule tomorrow and am closely booked for most of the week. Next Monday I travel to St. Louis on a secret pet-friendly mission – but more on that later. Tuesday I will be filming for Animal Planet’s Dogs 101, and so the show goes on. Till the next time, Dr. Nicholas H Dodman

PS. For anyone interested, I will be presenting the Narnia seminar again in June in Tinton Falls, New Jersey. Check ThePetDocs.Com for details of this next event.

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