Dueling Doctors?

A few months ago, Dog Star Daily co-founder, Dr. Ian Dunbar, and myself were quoted in an extensive New York Times article entitled Animal Pharm, about behavior canine modification with and without medication.

Ian represented the training perspective while I defended the use of medication to treat certain cases as part of an overall behavior modification program. As a result of this article, NBC's Today Show decided to cover the subject as only they can, with video footage of interesting cases to make the point. The Olympics and one other dog feature held up their plans but finally our piece has been filmed and will appear on the Today Show tomorrow.

Tune in tomorrow to see your Dog Star Daily experts making their points in illustrated film footage. Although Ian and I may sometimes seem on opposite sides of the fence on the issue of using behavior-modifying medications, we are actually of one accord when it comes to solving behavior problems. Think of us as two sides of the same behavior modification coin.

The Behavior Problems Crash Course. Free on Dunbar Academy