A workshop with Ian Dunbar: Solving "impossible" off-leash, real-life behavior problems, real-time.

In this vlog post Ian Dunbar describes one of his latest workhops and what he most enjoys about teaching people and dogs in this format. He loves bringing "impossible" problem behaviors into the workhop and resolving them in real time. He teaches handlers how to quanitfy progress, test reliability, and improve performace vastly. This put the responsibility of reliability and performance on the handler and on training, rather than on the dog. Far too many dogs are being punished in the name of training or due to disobedience, when the fault actually lies within the teaching process. 

Products from Dr. Ian Dunbar

  • Day 1: We Continue to Waste Puppyhood! Learn how to easily prevent the most common and predictable behavior problems.

  • When you get a new puppy, you need to meet six developmental deadlines before your puppy is just five months old. Know what they are BEFORE you get your puppy!

  • Bad behavior can ruin your practice. Train your clients to train their dogs and you're clinic will thrive!

  • Learn how to run a puppy class the SIRIUS way, using the off-leash, lure/reward, dog-friendly training methods that have made the SIRIUS philosophy the hallmark of pet dog training.

  • In this DVD lecture, veterinarian and animal behaviorist Dr. Ian Dunbar addresses one of the most worrying behavior problems any dog owner can face — dogs that fight.

  • 1. Socialization & Training
    2. Behavior Problems
    3. Walking & Heeling
    4. Recalls & Stays

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