Newcastle Upon Tyne

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Muttamorphosis Dog-Stars of the Big Screen!


When a group of North East of England dog owners signed up for a training class last Summer, they never thought their pooches could become celebs. But that’s now on the cards for the regions first all dog cast, after they made a short film which premiered in Newcastle last night. ‘Motley Mutts, The Rescue’ is a joint project between local trainer Sue McCabe of Muttamorphosis and Nathan Squires of MBT Productions.


Why is training recall so difficult for dog owners?

As with any training, recall is all about putting a routine into your dogs day which he enjoys taking part in. Recall should never mean "if I run back to my owners, she'll put me back on leash" but always, "if I run back to my owner, it's usually worth my while". With adult dogs, all recall training is easier done using a long line, which is dropped on the ground & dragged behind the dog. Never go from a short leash, to no leash. Instead use a long line which gives your dog freedom, without you losing control. 

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