dog training

Beauceron Jumping Fun Dog Training

We Need A New Kind of Dog Training Show On TV

I love dogs. Obviously. Dog behavior has been my life for nearly 50 years and for me, dog training has always been the most intriguing aspect of the whole field of animal behavior. I have always found dog training to be interesting, challenging, fulfilling, beyond useful, exciting, tantalizing and above all, fun. 

6.01 The Myth of Intent

We started out with the intention of discussing all the most common dog training myths. But, as is so often the case, once we got started, we just couldn’t stop, and so this episode ended up being entirely about one of the most common myths in dog training: the myth of intent. Too often, dog owners and trainers get too hung up on why a dog did something, usually blaming the dog for being spiteful, malicious, stubborn, etc. In the end, we’ll never know why dog’s do things, but that shouldn’t stop us from training!
Tags:  dog training dominance myths positive punishment stubborn

Distractions Happen

If you're a student of dog training, you're probably well aware of the oft suggested protocol of teaching new behaviors in a low distraction environment and slowly adding in distractions until the behavior becomes reliable. This is, of course, the easiest way for a dog to learn what you'd like them to do and to be able to do that thing regardless of distractions. However, in the real world, distractions happen.

To avoid them completely until the dog is "trained" is simply unrealistic.  

Dr. Ian Dunbar and Dune the American Bulldog


Edward Lee Thorndike showed that behavior is modified by its consequences and in 1905, he published his Law of Effect, basically stating: Any behavior followed by pleasant consequences will increase in frequency and be more likely to occur in the future, whereas any behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will decrease in frequency and be less likely to occur in the future. The notion of binary feedback is the quintessence of learning theory.

5 Ways My Puppy Reminds Me Of a Toddler.

Anthropomorphising animals isn’t a good idea and usually gets us into all kinds of trouble. Dogs are not furry babies. They are their own species, with a totally different set of day to day priorities & communication signals. However spending time with nieces, nephews and god-children over the years, I’m amazed that the toddler stage in kids has so many similarities with puppy development. Both in terms of how puppies explore the world and how we deal with the frustrations such interaction may bring, puppies and toddlers aren’t all that different at all. 

My Dog, The Adrenalin Junkie

We’ve all met people who can’t relax. People who have to be active, who need to be doing something all of the time. We’ve known folk who crave excitement, extreme sports. They bungee jump on Saturday, parachute from a plane on Sunday and take a holiday rock climbing a difficult cliff face as a challenge. These types of people could be described as adrenalin junkies. 

Embedded thumbnail for Muttamorphosis Dog-Stars of the Big Screen!

Muttamorphosis Dog-Stars of the Big Screen!


When a group of North East of England dog owners signed up for a training class last Summer, they never thought their pooches could become celebs. But that’s now on the cards for the regions first all dog cast, after they made a short film which premiered in Newcastle last night. ‘Motley Mutts, The Rescue’ is a joint project between local trainer Sue McCabe of Muttamorphosis and Nathan Squires of MBT Productions.


10 Tips For Current and Future Puppy Owners That Want to Train the Perfect Dog

For a limited time you can use the promo code "10tips" to save 50% on Dr. Ian Dunbar's comprehensive Online Course How To Train a Puppy

General Dog Training Tips

1. Choose Wisely When Selecting Your Future Pup


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