Well done to those who take the advice!


Meet Bart, a little collie cross. He lives with two children and he was there first! He doesn't pull on the lead, jump up on people or the kids in the home, steal things or act in any way inappropriately.

Why? Because his owners called for help when he was a new puppy who had arrived in their home at 9 weeks old. They listened and took on board every piece of advice they were given and worked hard to give Bart what he needed.

Today at age 4 Bart has a healthy diet, an appropriate exercise regime, fun things to do that are instinctive to his breed type plus, and most importantly he is a member of their family. When the children arrived Bart was never excluded. He was involved from day 1 with the result that he loves his family and little people plus he knows exactly how to behave around them. His owners give him feedback on everything he gets right with the result that he rarely gets anything wrong!

Bart is staying with me for a few days and he is a pleasure to have here. He plays with our Boomer, ignores cranky Zac and is gently with oldie Cara.

I love when a good plan comes together. Well done to the Van Hoeve - Phelan family, Barts owners!

The Behavior Problems Crash Course. Free on Dunbar Academy