3rd Entry- May 24th '07 Hanoi, North Vietnam

Challenges I face in Hanoi: Many people have asked me about the challenges I face here training dogs. The challenge is not so much the dogs as it is the people.

I am in North Vietnam folks. These people in my most honest opinion are so awesome. I love the culture here. It is not for some, and yes, some do eat dogs as a specialty. Enough on that. The people I have a love affair with, I cannot believe our government had to try to bully these loving people. Look what happened to us. They kicked our butts all around the jungle and rivers.

They had their own dogs of war.That will be a separate entry.

So, the main challenges: language and cultural differences and the weather. For all of you folks that have never been to this part of the world, it gets hot in a very different kinda way than lets say the hottest of hot in Florida or New York. Keep in mind the dogs natural body temp is about 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit. So you put a dog in this kinda heat and add the humidity..... and you want the dog to do what??? Train all day long?? Fortunately they do not do that here.

The director of the facility, Mr. Ha a former bee keeper, is the sweetest man (ha, ha sweetest!) I do love the man and that is why I am back here. He has a passion for the dogs and I was so fortunate to cross paths with him to have the chance to say, "hey, check this out".

He is “getting it” due to the most awesome translation services from a relative of his who is really an Executive Director for IPPF - International Planned Parenthood Federation!! How cool is that!!???

Her name is Mrs. Le Thuy Anh..... Darn, I know, "Mrs.". Probably better that way. LOL. She is the person really responsible for all of this clicking so well. She used to work for some American medical company. Her command of English is great. She can even curse like a pro but in a very professional manner. She is a very sweet and fun lady all the while keeps focused on the objective.

BTW. She is sacred to death of dogs!!! LOL LOL! But her passion as I can see is in teaching, as is mine, albeit a bit not the norm......She is a natural in the class with the students. I really believe Mr. Ha has to put her on the payroll as well.

I do not know if Mr.Ha really understands what moving me to his facility is going to do his life as he knows it...LOL. Can we say CHANGE FOR THE BETTER?? I think so, and he will love it.

My translator Mrs. Anh is really the Magic here. She is a natural in the technical aspects of what I am doing with the implementation of the positive program in the classroom, without her all these people could see what I do with the dogs but not get it at all. I bow down to Mrs. Anh.

So do I have a few Challenges?? Hell ya. Am I up for the task?

Hell ya. K9guru - "Saving Humanity One Dog At A Time” from Hanoi, North Vietnam!!

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